Rich (pre-American Zen)
Author: Richard
Del Connor (pre-Coyote)
Project Format: Sony cassette recorder with stereo condensor microphones facing band.
Price: 88 cents per 320kb mpg download
Record Producer: Richard
Del Connor
Music Publisher: Shaolin Music
Record Label: Shaolin
Release Date: 2012
THE RICH in 1980:
Bill Stewart
- drums: 28" Ludwig kick drum, Paiste cymbals, 8-ply birch drums
Richard Connor
- lead vocals, 1957 Rickenbacker 4000 bass with flatwounds through Plush Amp
Vinnie Vincent Lauria
- electric guitar, 1978 Marshall Mk.II 50 watt combo amplifier
This song should have been a radio hit... "The Reason Why" has had several versions of lyrics since it's first version at the counter of Canter's in Hollywood, where he met a Jewish princess and her sister. Then each new girlfriend he got inspired him to change the lyrics. There are probably six versions of this song.
Shaolin Records SONG
DOWLOADS 88¢ each. |
Samples |
Song Title |
Song Recording Quality |
0.88 each |
"The Reason Why" 1980 |
(good quality live rehearsal recording) |